
Cloudflare ConfigurationΒΆ

Gasper has in-built support for using cloudflare services

If Gasper's cloudflare plugin is enabled then whenever an application is created, its corresponding DNS entry will be automatically created in cloudflare

The DNS entry created will be according to the domain parameter in the configuration file


If the domain parameter's value is sdslabs.co and you have created an application named foo, then an entry will be created in cloudflare (if plugin enabled) with the domain name foo.app.sdslabs.co


The domain name set in the domain parameter should be managed by cloudflare in order for this plugin to work

The following section deals with configurations related to Cloudflare

#   CloudFlare Configuration   #

# API Token used for creating/updating Cloudflare's DNS records.
# This token must have the scopes ZONE:ZONE:EDIT and ZONE:DNS:EDIT.
api_token = "" 
plugin = false  # Use Cloudflare Plugin?
public_ip = ""  # IPv4 address for Cloudflare's DNS records to point to.

You can generate a Cloudflare API Token from here and fill that value in the api_token field in the above configuration


The generated token must have the permissions ZONE:ZONE:EDIT and ZONE:DNS:EDIT in order for this plugin to work

The public_ip field in the above configuration should hold the public IPv4 address of an GenProxy ⚑ instance or a load balancer pointing to multiple GenProxy ⚑ instances


If you wish to use the Cloudflare plugin in your cloud ecosystem then make sure that the above configuration is same across all nodes where AppMaker πŸ’§ is deployed