Master Configuration¶
Master is the master of the entire Gasper ecosystem which performs the following tasks
- Equal distribution of applications and databases among worker nodes
- User Authentication based on JWT (JSON Web Token)
- User API for performing operations on any application/database in any node (Identity Access Management is handled with JWT)
- Admin API for fetching and managing information of all nodes, applications, databases and users
- Removal of inactive nodes from the cloud ecosystem
- Re-scheduling of applications in case of node failure
Master API docs are available here
The following section deals with the configuration of Master
# Master Configuration #
# Time Interval (in seconds) in which `Master` sends health-check probes
# to all worker nodes and removes inactive nodes from the central registry-server.
cleanup_interval = 600
deploy = true # Deploy Master?
port = 3000
# Configuration for the MongoDB service container required by all deployed services.
plugin = true # Deploy MongoDB server and let `Master` manage it?
container_port = 27019 # Port on which the MongoDB server container will run
# Environment variables for MongoDB docker container.
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME = "alphadose" # Root user of MongoDB server inside the container
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD = "alphadose" # Root password of MongoDB server inside the container
# Configuration for the Redis service container required by all deployed services.
plugin = true # Deploy Redis server and let `Master` manage it?
container_port = 6380 # Port on which the Redis server container will run
password = "alphadose"
You can reduce the value of cleanup_interval parameter in the above configuration if you need changes in your ecosystem to propagate faster but this will in turn increase the load on the Redis central registry server so choose wisely