This section of documentation deals with configuring Gasper to suit your needs
All configurations are present in a file named config.toml which is packaged with every release
Here is a sample config.toml and we are going to discuss each and every section of this file in detail in the next parts
# Configuration sample for Gasper
# Global Configuration #
# Run Gasper in Debug mode ?
# Set this value to `false` in Production.
debug = true
# Root domain for all deployed applications and databases.
domain = "sdslabs.co"
# Secret Key used for internal communication in the Gasper ecosystem.
secret = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
# Root of the deployed application in the docker container's filesystem.
project_root = "/gasper"
# Name of the file used for building and running applications.
# This file is application specific and must be present in an application's git repository's root.
# The contents of the file must be linux shell commands separated by newlines.
rc_file = "Gasperfile.txt"
# Run Gasper in Offline mode.
# For Development purposes only.
offline_mode = false
# DNS nameservers used by docker containers created by Gasper.
dns_servers = [
# Admin Configuration #
# Default admin credentials for the Gasper ecosystem.
email = "anish.mukherjee1996@gmail.com"
username = "alphadose"
password = "alphadose"
# MongoDB Configuration #
# For databases with authentication
# use the following URL format `mongodb://username:password@host:port/?authSource=admin`.
url = "mongodb://alphadose:alphadose@localhost:27019/?authSource=admin"
# Redis Configuration #
# Acts as a central-registry for the Gasper ecosystem.
host = "localhost"
port = 6380
password = "alphadose"
db = 0
# JWT Configuration #
# Configuration for the JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication mechanism.
# timeout refers to the duration in which the JWT is valid.
# max_refresh refers to the duration in which the JWT can be refreshed after its expiry.
# Both timeout and max_refresh are in seconds
# Total refresh time = max_refresh + timeout
timeout = 3600 # 1 hour
max_refresh = 2419200 # 28 days
# CloudFlare Configuration #
# API Token used for creating/updating Cloudflare's DNS records.
# This token must have the scopes ZONE:ZONE:EDIT and ZONE:DNS:EDIT.
api_token = ""
plugin = false # Use Cloudflare Plugin?
public_ip = "" # IPv4 address for Cloudflare's DNS records to point to.
# Docker Images Configuration #
static = "docker.io/sdsws/static:2.0"
php = "docker.io/sdsws/php:3.0"
nodejs = "docker.io/sdsws/node:2.1"
python2 = "docker.io/sdsws/python2:1.1"
python3 = "docker.io/sdsws/python3:1.1"
golang = "docker.io/sdsws/golang:1.1"
ruby = "docker.io/sdsws/ruby:1.0"
mysql = "docker.io/wangxian/alpine-mysql:latest"
mongodb = "docker.io/sdsws/alpine-mongo:latest"
postgresql = "docker.io/postgres:12.2-alpine"
redis = "docker.io/redis:6.0-rc3-alpine3.11"
# Services Configuration #
# Configuration for the various microservices comprising the Gasper ecosystem.
# Time Interval (in seconds) in which the current node updates
# the central registry-server with the status of its microservices.
exposure_interval = 30
# Master Configuration #
# Time Interval (in seconds) in which `Master` sends health-check probes
# to all worker nodes and removes inactive nodes from the central registry-server.
cleanup_interval = 600
deploy = true # Deploy Master?
port = 3000
# Configuration for the MongoDB service container required by all deployed services.
plugin = true # Deploy MongoDB server and let `Master` manage it?
container_port = 27019 # Port on which the MongoDB server container will run
# Environment variables for MongoDB docker container.
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME = "alphadose" # Root user of MongoDB server inside the container
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD = "alphadose" # Root password of MongoDB server inside the container
# Configuration for the Redis service container required by all deployed services.
plugin = true # Deploy Redis server and let `Master` manage it?
container_port = 6380 # Port on which the Redis server container will run
password = "alphadose"
# GenProxy Configuration #
# Time Interval (in seconds) in which `GenProxy` updates its
# `Reverse-Proxy Record Storage` by polling the central registry-server.
record_update_interval = 15
deploy = false # Deploy GenProxy?
port = 80
# Configuration for using SSL with `GenProxy`.
plugin = false # Use SSL with GenProxy?
port = 443
certificate = "/home/user/fullchain.pem" # Certificate Location
private_key = "/home/user/privkey.pem" # Private Key Location
# AppMaker Configuration #
deploy = true # Deploy AppMaker?
port = 4000
# Time Interval (in seconds) in which metrics of all application containers
# running in the current node are collected and stored in the central mongoDB database
metrics_interval = 600
# DbMaker Configuration #
deploy = false # Deploy DbMaker?
port = 9000
# Configuration for MySQL database server managed by `DbMaker`
plugin = false # Deploy MySQL server and let `DbMaker` manage it?
container_port = 33061 # Port on which the MySQL server container will run
# Environment variables for MySQL docker container.
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = "YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD" # Root password of MySQL server inside the container
# Configuration for PostgreSQL database server managed by `DbMaker`
plugin = false # Deploy PostgreSQL server and let `DbMaker` manage it?
container_port = 29121 # Port on which the PostgreSQL server container will run
# Environment variables for PostgreSQL docker container.
POSTGRES_USER = "YOUR_ROOT_NAME" # Root user of PostgreSQL server inside the container
POSTGRES_PASSWORD = "YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD" # Root password of PostgreSQL server inside the container
# Configuration for MongoDB database server managed by `DbMaker`
plugin = false # Deploy MongoDB server and let `DbMaker` manage it
container_port = 27018 # Port on which the MongoDB server container will run
# Environment variables for MongoDB docker container.
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME = "YOUR_ROOT_NAME" # Root user of MongoDB server inside the container
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD = "YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD" # Root password of MongoDB server inside the container
# Configuration for Redis database server managed by `DbMaker`
plugin = false # Deploy RedisDB server and let `DbMaker` manage it
# GenDNS Configuration #
# Time Interval (in seconds) in which `GenDNS` updates its
# `DNS Record Storage` by polling the central registry-server.
record_update_interval = 15
deploy = false # Deploy GenDNS?
port = 53
# GenSSH Configuration #
deploy = false # Deploy GenSSH?
port = 2222
# Location of Private Key for creating the SSH Signer.
host_signers = ["/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa"]
using_passphrase = false # Private Key is passphrase protected?
passphrase = "" # Passphrase (if any) for decrypting the Private Key
# IP address to establish a SSH connection to.
# Equal to the current node's IP address if left blank.
# This field is only for information of the client who will create applications
# and this field's value will not affect GenSSH's functioning in any manner.
# To be used when the current node is only accessible by a jump host or
# behind some network forwarding rule or proxy setup.
entrypoint_ip = ""